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Great Lakes Region


Les joueurs de cartes, 2011

Masisi, North Kivu, DRC
C-Print (detail)

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Great Lakes Region


"No, I don’t have a job, but you’re a man, you know what I do… What scares me, what scares all of us women here, are the Mai-Mai Sheka.” Rachel


"Last year, over 300 women, girls, men and boys were raped, and thirteen villages looted along the Mpofi-Kibua axis, a few miles to the north of the center of Wilikale. A mass crime put down to a supposed coalition between the Mai-Mai Sheka and FDLR to regain, through terror, control over a territory known for its mineral wealth. The regular army, the FARDC, which was supposed to be deployed over this zone, apparently ignored its mission, and chose to 'keep secure' the big coltan mine in Bisié. The Indian casques bleus from the nearby MONUSCO base, English speakers, didn’t see anything from their small fort.

(…) The soldiers cross the tracks and trails by foot, the population moves about as little as possible, but it isn’t easy for vendors like Sifa and Safi. The Amani Léo 'Peace Today' operation, jointly run by the FARDC and MONUSCO to fight the FDLR in 2010, above all led to the army making multiples exactions on the population and aroused the FDLR’s wrath and vengeance on the same villagers. Today, the little people fear the FARDC even more than the rebel groups and suspect the casques bleus of being their allies in stealing underground treasures…"

Extract from Ténèbres au Paradis, 2011, Éditions Gallimard


Great Lakes Region 1026
Suzanna, 2011

Masisi, North Kivu, DRC
Acrylic on paper
42 x 33 cm


Great Lakes Region 1002
Map of the Great Lakes Region - North Kivu, 2011

Gouache on paper
46 x 37 cm

Great Lakes Region 1003
Map of the Great Lakes Region - Masisi, 2011

Gouache on paper
46 x 37 cm

Great Lakes Region 1004
Map of the Great Lakes Region - Walikale, 2011

Gouache on paper
46 x 37 cm


Illustration Making Of
Portrait of Suzanna, 2011

UNHCR camp of Bihito, Masisi, Nord-Kivu, DRC
© Bruno Pellarin

Illustration Making Of
UNHCR camp of Bihito, 2011

Masisi, Nord-Kivu, DRC
© Bruno Pellarin

Illustration Making Of
Claire Duguet, director of "Africaines des Grands Lacs", 2011

Masisi, Nord-Kivu, DRC
© Titouan Lamazou

Making of the photo-tableau "Les joueurs de cartes", 2011

Extract of Claire Duguet's film "Africaines des Grands Lacs"


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