“I’ve always been militant. I had a military training. I’m a military doctor, a civil servant. I could have, I could, live and work overseas, but my mission is here, in Gaza. They need me.” Azza
"Azza agreed to follow us for us to photograph her in the streets of Gaza. We made the silly choice of taking a first shot in the “bedroom”, which demanded a certain amount of preparation time. Far too long. Very quickly, we were surrounded by a growing band of kids, first curious, then more and more aggressive. They were aged between 8 and 14 years. Azza translated for us: 'dirty whore' or insults in the same vein (…) 'Once when I was at a neighbour’s place,' Azza tells, 'and we heard bombing, her 7-year-old son explained to me that they weren’t F16s but Apache helicopters.
He shouldn’t know such things. He offered to explain to me the difference in their munitions… At 7 years old! Another day, a little 4-year-old girl bravely declared to me that tanks didn’t scare her. 4 years old! There aren’t any children here… Thankfully my general supports me because it’s very difficult for a woman today. My combat is simple and continues daily: for the right of every Palestinian woman to have access to health!'"
Extract from Zoé Zoé, Femmes du mondes, 2007, Éditions Gallimard

Gouache on paper
80 x 60 cm

Gouache on paper
80 x 60 cm
Image by Claire Nicol