From Santiago to La Havana
"What is it that has always attracted sailors to the Antilles? The sun, the coconut trees, the spices, Havana gold and the trade winds maybe. But also because it’s a place where they dance with death."
"Cubans have long been the masters of this type of music: Cuban dance, Cubaila. (…) The big mysterious island offered me sumptuous decors, marvelous faces and bodies, and the impression that we all share when we arrive: this incredible mixture that brings us face to face, as Camacho would say… with History. (…) One of the protagonists from Camacho’s novel says something that could stand for all time: 'There are birds that sometimes prefer dying of hunger than eating in a cage,' and also, 'Hope is the last thing that we lose.'
From what I saw, Cuba has kept this intact. At least, I say to Jorge, that’s one thing that the Revolution has managed to preserve all through these years. 'Don’t be taken in,' he corrects me, 'humanist utopia is no longer anything more than materialistic dreaming… It doesn’t work anymore!'"
It’s a personal view and I don’t share the fate of the Cubans, but I get the feeling that if Cuba collapses for good, then it’s part of our hope in humanity which will collapse. No doubt I’m exaggerating, but you could say that the whole world hinges on the destiny of this tiny drop of an island! It’s hilarious. Even the Pope! Hats off! Viva Cuba!"
Extract from Carnets de voyage, 2000, Éditions Gallimard

Gouache on paper
42 x 66 cm

Gouache on paper
16 x 22 cm

Gouache and collages on paper
52 x 99 cm