Dry season
Shades of reds and blues…
"In the first millennium, red was the colour of the dominant. The colour of kings and the law. The second millennium brought a turnaround and blue became the symbol of power and virtue. It is the colour of the UN flag, the European flag, and also the colour of conservative parties. Whereas red marks out brothels, it’s the devil! Even worse, communism! Revolution! Disorder!
So mauve has wandered about for centuries between reds and blues. Barred from mauve is the third primary colour - yellow - as well as the full spectrum of greens and oranges… But black and white are still part of its composition: mauve is situated between passions, violence, gentleness and pudeur. Between white Europe and black Africa."
Titouan Lamazou

Gouache on paper
30 x 22.5 cm

Acrylic on Nepalese paper
30 x 24 cm

Gouache enhanced silver print
30 x 21 cm

Gouache on Nepalese paper
30 x 24 cm

Gouache on Nepalese paper
30 x 22.5 cm